
Tang Shunxing appeared at the 20th CATF, and the Hong Kong-style burnt wax fragrance floated thousands of miles

On November 9, the 20th China International Agricultural Products Fair kicked off in Qingdao, Shandong province, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the people's Government of Shandong Province, with the theme of "Forging a new journey, strengthening agriculture and promoting revitalization", nearly 3,000 enterprises brought more than 20,000 kinds of exhibits to the exhibition, attracting more than 30,000 professional buyers from all over the country to participate.


Tang Shunxing with Hong Kong-style baking products appeared in the CATF

In the 120,000-square-meter exhibition space of China Railway Qingdao World Expo City, there is a dazzling array of special agricultural products from all over the world. With the theme of "Global Sharing of Bay Area Quality", the Guangdong exhibition area showcases a wealth of local characteristic agricultural products. Tang Shunxing brought Hong Kong-style roasted meat series and other cooked food products to the exhibition, just a debut, it has received widespread attention.


Zhang Xingwang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Chen Dong, deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province, and other leaders visited the booth of Tang Shunxing to understand the development status and product characteristics of Tang Shunxing, a leading agricultural enterprise supplying Hong Kong in Guangdong Province. Tang Shunxing Hong Kong-style roasted meat series of cooked food products, by more than 30 years of professional chefs and team carefully developed, convenient and delicious. Food materials from production to processing are completed by automated aseptic equipment, the whole process does not exceed 4 hours, can maximize the lock fresh lock taste, in the reheating process is also full of efforts, to maximize the restoration of dishes just cooked when the taste, taste, Hong Kong style roast meat has a history, and has characteristics, deeply loved by the majority of consumers.


Do not forget the original intention, strong brand, expand development

Tang Shunxing out of the focus on Hong Kong-style roast food, in 2007 began to focus on creating "Hong Kong-style roast products." At its peak, it opened more than 40 chain stores in Hong Kong. Whether it is in the e-commerce platform, supermarket channels or wholesale markets and major restaurants, consumers can experience the fast and healthy ingredients brought by Tang Shunxing products.


According to the data of the United Nations Development Program, 20% of the global brands have obtained 80% of the market share, and the world has entered the era of brand economy. In view of the importance of brand to product value, China's agricultural brand building is imperative. In terms of brand building, Tang Shunxing is also actively preparing to further improve its management level, provide high-quality products and services for the market, stabilize the basic brand plate, and maintain its competitive advantage. Adhere to the long-term strategy, drive the brand with innovation, focus on the future, optimize breeding technology, production technology, packaging technology, strengthen product quality, enrich product diversity, and enhance brand reputation and influence. Actively give the brand a higher spiritual and cultural core through brand co-branding, historical and cultural packaging, IP image, etc., to create a differentiated brand image.


The CATF, a national agricultural "big platform" and "big market", has gathered consensus for improving the quality and efficiency of agriculture and gathered strength for the full implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. Tang Shunxing will rely on the CATF, which is the window of China's agricultural opening to the outside world, develop into a modern agricultural leading enterprise with distinctive advantages, excellent product quality, complete industrial chain and outstanding comprehensive benefits, so that China's excellent livestock and poultry food fragrance in the world.