
Off to a flying start! Guangdong prepared dishes double festival marketing handed over a brilliant sales report card

Did you eat any Cantonese prepared dishes at this year's New Year's Eve dinner table?

Eat prepared food and enjoy a happy year. In 2022, under the vigorous promotion of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, convenient, rich and delicious Guangdong prepared dishes have become the first choice for the Year of the Tiger and New Year goods sought after by the public.

Prepareddishes are popular in the country, and Guangdong is the main battlefield that pushes prepareddishes into the forefront. During the New Year's Day and Spring Festival in 2022, the popularity of prepareddishes in Guangdong continues to rise, sales are very hot, and the enthusiasm of the public is high.

Guangdong prepared food sales hot, sales record high

Since December last year, Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched a series of marketing activities for the double Festival of Guangdong Prepared Dishes in 2022, and local prepared dishes enterprises and relevant municipal and local departments responded positively, fully relying on the Internet platform and using digital brand marketing means to organize and carry out

Double marketing online and offline series activities. According to statistics, the sales volume of Guangdong prepared dishes doubled during the double festival, and the year-on-year growth exceeded 100%, becoming one of the most popular dishes for the New Year's Eve dinner.


Which has achieved good sales results is the main aquatic prefabricated vegetables Hengxing Group, according to the chairman of Guangdong Hengxing Group Co., LTD. Chen Dan introduction, during the double festival is the sales season of Hengxing, among which the best-selling prefabricated dishes are gold soup pickled cabbage fish, Hengxing fresh

Shrimp, grilled fish, free black fish fillet, spicy shrimp balls, total sales exceeded 420 million, compared to the same period last year (198 million) increased more than double, about 130 million yuan, an increase of 40%, of which e-commerce channel sales of 51.35 million yuan. And the company's exports accounted for about 50% of the total sales, mainly for the Hong Kong and Macao market, exports increased by 15% compared with the same period.

"We mainly rely on our 'fresh cabinets' non-contact smart fresh cabinets to sell prepared dishes, and the average daily consumption can reach 100,000 yuan." According to Ling Yixian, head of Yuewang Agricultural Group, during the double festival, consumers showed unprecedented enthusiasm for prepared dishes, and their sales of prepared dishes increased by more than 200% year-on-year. In order to welcome the New Year, they also launched a pre-made dish gift box set, which is also a flagship product - the world's highest sales of Shunde big potted vegetables.

"During the Spring Festival, our factory's warehousing, logistics and quality control receiving and shipping departments are working normally." Chen Cuiying, founder of Guangdong Pinzhen Fresh Technology Co., LTD., said that at present, they are still adding full horsepower to production and distribution orders, and the company's workshop production line is basically full load operation before and after the year. It is understood that the company's total sales in 2021 are about 80 million yuan, of which about 75% are online and 25% are offline. During the double marketing period in 2022, the sales volume was 15 million yuan, an increase of more than 130%.

"During the double marketing period, the sales revenue of our company's prepared dishes reached 12 million yuan, an increase of 200% year-on-year. On the New Year's Day, the sales volume through Douyin live broadcast reached 600,000 yuan, and more than 10,000 people watched it online." According to Xiao Zuoxi, director of the new retail division of Xue Yin Group, their company focuses on Cantonese style big pot vegetables, five fingers peach chicken, clean vegetables, chili, bamboo shoot sauce packages, etc. He also said that this year, the sales of prepared dishes are very hot, and they can be seen in the supermarket counters of major merchants, and they have also launched prepared dishes column activities on the online e-commerce platform.

There are not only mature prepared vegetable enterprises, but also agricultural enterprises that have just tried to sell prepared vegetables. "2021 is the first year that we officially sell prepared dishes to consumers, and with a number of promotion activities in double marketing, the overall sales situation is still very good, and you can also feel the development trend of prepared vegetables market." Li Yanling, product director of Guangdong Guangken Agricultural Development Co., LTD., said that during the double marketing period in 2022, the total sales volume of Guangken online and offline was about 100,000 pieces, and the total sales volume was about 4.2 million.

Fish, pickled fish and crystal shrimp dumplings in golden soup. Compared with previous years, sales of prepared dishes have increased significantly this year, especially the number of grilled fish sales has broken through a new high. The data of the series of brand marketing events planned throughout the year also performed well, and the activity exposure reached 270 million people.

In the past two years, prefabricated dishes have developed rapidly, and convenient, rich and delicious prefabricated dishes have become the first choice for many consumers. Compared with last year, in 2022, prefabricated food enterprises have made layout and preparation in advance, fought a prepared battle, online and offline all-channel distribution, and this year's more perfect ordering system and channels have also brought better consumption experience to the general public, driving sales data to rise.

To see such a good sales trend, Tang Zhanyao said that this year, we focus on prefabricated food brand marketing, and cooperate with many well-known chain catering enterprises, community stores, business and other channels to develop new products through joint branding. Last year, we and Tianhong supermarket jointly developed Tang Shunxing Kiln chicken (raw pickled) semi-finished prefabricated dishes, products in the market performance is very bright.

Yuewang Group, on the other hand, uses a terminal system to successfully solve the problem of the last 50 meters distance between prepared dishes and consumers. The unmanned retail cabinet of Yuewang "Fresh Food" directly delivers prepared dishes to the communities where consumers are located. At the same time, the refrigerator design also solves the preservation and food safety problems of prepared dishes, which is a key link for prepared dishes to enter the consumer terminal. Let consumers correctly realize that prefabricated dishes are safe, secure, worry free and time-saving dishes.

Online settled in Jingdong, Tmall, Pin-duo and other traditional e-commerce platforms, as well as Tiktok, Kuaishou and other emerging e-commerce platforms, offline with large chain supermarket, well-known chain retail stores to cooperate and win-win, Pinzhen fresh technology and Snow printing Group are all omni-channel spread, and took a good sales performance and brand influence. In 2021, Pinzhen Fresh Technology winter table single item explosion "Yu fresh front pickled fish", an increase of 1257%. Snow Printing Group launched the no-wash clean vegetables series star single product snow printing cabbage shortlisted in the "Guangdong Modern Agricultural Industrial Park 100 hand letter selection activity", Hakka flavor series of products in taro pork and hot sauce products were selected as Guangdong brand of agriculture.


Guangdong Agricultural Reclamation is also online and offline push, actively explore store retail, enterprise group buying, canteen distribution, community group buying and other sales channels. In order to better play the brand effect, in the second half of 2021, they launched the Guangdong Agricultural Reclamation brand "Shanwuji" to further enrich the product spectrum and achieve more accurate marketing promotion.

Both Hengxing Group and Guolian Aquatic Products are large enterprises with strong foundation and great brand influence. In terms of brand marketing, the two major enterprises have steadily sunk the channel and continuously expanded the brand awareness and reputation in the domestic market through systematic marketing and brand promotion activities. Hengxing Group has initially realized the construction and layout of domestic prefabricated vegetable channel service and supply network; The brand service providers and prefecture-level city coverage of Guolian Aquatic products also grew steadily, and the national brand service providers increased by 116%. In addition, the two major enterprises have targeted the RCEP dividend, actively expanded overseas markets, and promoted the re-innovation of Guangdong prepared dishes.